Thursday, December 29, 2011

ABC's of Trying To Conceive: Facts and Anecdotes

!±8± ABC's of Trying To Conceive: Facts and Anecdotes

We've all heard the birds and bees lecture, right? Even though in real life, there's quite a bit more to the emotional side of things, we know the basics of how to get pregnant-- starting with that one simple, yet time-tested act of intercourse. We know that if we don't use protection in the form of a condom or some other birth control that the sperm of your "partner" can get you pregnant and that's that! Just like that, you're on your way towards having a baby. And, Boom! 9 months later you're kissing tiny feet. Well, yes, this is all true, but there is quite a bit more to the story.

Sex is Not all There is to It

The end point is definitely having a baby. The middle is most certainly your pregnancy. But did you know that having sex is actually not the first act in this long series of events that will lead you to the baby you desire? Actually, preparing your body to conceive needs to happen way before the deed is ever done.

It's easy to think that all it takes is one slip up and then Presto! you're pregnant! Not so for everyone. It seems like such an injustice that so many people who "accidentally" get pregnant when they least expect it, but the ones who are trying for a baby can't make it work. When you've got your heart set on something, it's very difficult when it slips through your grasp. And the worst part about it is that most women have no idea why!

This article can help you learn what to do and not to do, and help my body along so that you can finally achieve the one thing that has evaded you up until this point. You become pregnant! You're nickname might one day be fertile myrtle but until then these tips can help you get where you're trying to go.

One of the first things to learn is that although your mind is primed for the idea of having a baby, have you yet considered what your body needs in order to make that a reality for you?

Sperm want to LIVE!

In the reproduction videos that you see on TV, it's easy to believe that sperm are feisty, stubborn suckers that just never die. That they're out to attack and conquer any egg in it's path. But in reality, in order for sperm to be effective in my vaginal environment (how's that for a catch phrase?) I needed to ensure that it could actually survive, and then THRIVE in that environment!

Now you must be wondering, "How in the world do I make sperm thrive??" Well, first you need to know that sperm lives best when the vaginal pH is somewhere around 7.5. This particular point has been researched and it was subsequently determined that sperm will quickly die out if the pH is not optimized since insemination in the human is pH sensitive (Dale, et. al, Human Reproduction, vol.13, no.4, pp.964-970, 1998). It may sound like just a crazy hypothesis, but the truth is that sperm, just like any living cell, or being, has an ideal environment in which they are most able to function as nature intended. You may be more familiar with the concept being used in the opposite technique. For all intents and purposes, the same concept comes into play, when spermicides are utilized as a form of birth control. So, since becoming a mommy is pretty much dependent on us not killing off the cells that make up half of our babies genetic code, it's a pretty good idea to do what we can to ensure their survival.

How Do I Avoid a Sperm Massacre?

The point of this topic isn't to make you think that your body isn't functioning the way it's supposed to. You're not leading all of the sperm down a one-way ticket to doom. Most women will not need this kind of assistance at all, however it's not uncommon that a woman's bacterial balance (the eternal fight of good over evil) is disrupted or thrown off. This can be set into motion by antibiotics, diet, sexual activity, and hygiene. Once the balance is off, it can affect the normal acidity and alkalinity of her nether region. And since you don't really have a way of knowing what the pH environment of your vaginal fluid is (unless you're a nerd like me and actually has a supply of pH paper in your desk), then you may as well keep this in mind if you aren't having any success getting pregnant.

Let's Get Ready to Rumble!

Alright. Now the sperm has on it's cap and gown and is all suited up. It heads it's way on down the canal only to find that when it arrives at the predetermined site of implantation, the party is over. As in no egg. Nobody there to do the cha cha with. Bummer.

So ultimately this lesson is so that you don't do what I did and completely assume that a woman can get pregnant any time of the month, every month. Don't misunderstand me, however. Women can get pregnant any day of the month, meaning that any day is a day that ovulation could occur, but technically for any given woman, her ovulation day is pretty much hard wired into her reproductive system. This hardwiring typically means that there is very little variation from month to month and that if her prime days for conception are days 11-15 then that's it for every month during the year in which no extenuating circumstances occur (i.e. extreme hormonal changes, etc.).

Your Menstrual Cycle Does Not Exist Just to Punish You

I'm sure most of you have heard the biblical story about Eve's transgression that became the precursor for our misery as women. It's not that I don't believe it, I do actually; it's just that with most things in life, your attitude determines your altitude. So, instead of feeling doomed, I just choose to believe that although there are some pretty crappy things about having to have a monthly period, mostly it's just the body's way of affecting the most amazing changes and outcomes. I mean, if you really wanna put it in perspective, think about it like this. The menstrual cycle is really just God's way of preparing us for labor. Menstrual cramps are totally labor prep. Your uterus is actually contracting. And some women (not me, though. I wish!) purport that their labors are as mild as their hardest contractions! Awesomeness.

And since most women are familiar with their body clocks if for no other reason than because since menstruation began, you've been marking off the days on your calendar until your next one, it makes sense that we learn a little more so that we can get to our happy place of motherhood. And since we've reiterated the basics, now begins the lecture.

Your Cycle is Made of Three Distinct Phases

The follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase.

Think of the follicular phase as the time in which your body is preparing to ovulate again. You will be on your period during the onset of this phase. It is when your body is shedding the lining of the uterus since it was not fertilized during the last cycle. Once the shedding is done, hormones queue the ovaries to prime themselves for yet another release of an egg. At the end of this sequence, an egg is produced resulting in ovulation. This egg is only viable for approximately 24 hours from its release. So now you see why this getting preggo business is tough! For all intents and purposes, 24 hours is your window, ladies. Now, don't be discouraged. Even though the egg only lasts 24 hours, a couple intending to get pregnant can maximize their chances of fertilizing that egg in several ways that I will get back to in just a moment.

The final phase of a menstrual cycle is called the luteal phase which typically lasts anywhere from 10-16 days long with most women averaging at about 14 days. This is the time in which the egg is either fertilized and becomes implanted in the uterus to begin releasing the HcG hormone that will alert your body that it is pregnant. Or, no hormone will be released and the cycle ends with your period beginning. The major thing to know about this phase is that if your phase is too short, it could be one of the reasons that you haven't been successful in getting pregnant.

Easy as pie, right?

Well sure, if you know the time and date of ovulation!

And as I promised, I'll return to the topic of how to get your egg and his sperm to do the tango.

1. Ensure that upon ovulation, the sperm is suited up, ready to go, and waiting at the meeting point.


2. Ensure that if you do not have the sperm suited up, ready to go, and waiting at the meeting point, that it is most certainly en route with an estimated time of arrival (ETA) before 24 hours post-ovulation.

There are many ways in which a woman can keep an eye out for her peak fertility days in a cycle. In this topic I've included the ones that are most common, and most effective to track. Also, I have utilized the majority of them myself and it always helps to have a friend give you a firsthand account of their experiences!

Basal Body Temperature

One of the ways that you can pinpoint your ovulation date is by tracking something called your basal body temperature, and believe it or not, it's fairly easy to track. And by easy, I don't necessarily mean without effort, but it is very straightforward. According to Wikipedia, the basal body temperature is the lowest temperature attained by the body during rest (usually during sleep). It is generally measured immediately after awakening and before any physical activity has been undertaken, although the temperature measured at that time is somewhat higher than the true basal body temperature. In women, ovulation causes an increase of one-half to one degree Fahrenheit (one-quarter to one-half degree Celsius) in basal body temperature; monitoring of this is one way of estimating the day of ovulation. The tendency of a woman to have lower temperatures before ovulation, and higher temperatures afterwards, is known as a biphasic pattern. And it's the charting of this party that can help you gain control of your own fertility.

Now, again, I am not recommending that you do something that I myself have not tried. I did in fact chart my basal body temperature and from it I was able to learn the exact date of my ovulation. The key to charting your bbt is to ensure that you've taken the measurement before your feet even hit the ground. It is a pill to remember to do it but if you're serious about try to conceive and have yet to succeed then I am sure you'll find this a piece of cake to commit to.

Problems with your chart?

Don't see a clear biphasic pattern? You might want to assess your technique. Are you taking your temperature first thing in the morning? It truly has to be done before you do anything but hit the snooze button. No drink of water sitting on your nightstand. Definitely don't get up to brush your teeth. These temperature changes are so small that any amount of movement, including sitting up on the bed to stretch will skew the results. As you can see from my chart, this method WILL work but you have to be a willing participant in it.

If you do not see a biphasic pattern and you are swearing on your aunt's fat Cheshire that you did the measurement correctly and didn't cheat then it's a strong possibly that you did not ovulate for that cycle. It's not unheard of for a woman to miss ovulating for a month, especially if you can recall a hormone-shifting event that has taken place in the last few months (weaning a baby, coming off the pill, etc.) so may need to give your body some time to adjust and then try again. Or, monitor your body throughout the changes so that you are all the more familiar when your biphasic chart does appear.

If however it's been months and you still don't see the biphasic pattern characteristic of ovulation then it may be time to seek help from a reproductive endocrinologist.

And now, what if your chart is clearly biphasic, but you realize that your LP is too short? This means that you've ovulated, but your body isn't giving the egg enough time to become fertilized and then implant in the uterus. A short luteal phase is detrimental to becoming pregnant because even if you've managed to get the egg and sperm to tango, they still have to settle down in the uterus in order to grow and be nourished. If your body is anticipating this implantation but doesn't give it enough time to do so, then you will come on your period and the lining of your uterus will shed, giving the fertilized egg no place to burrow. In that case, I would recommend that you seek professional assistance to first, officially diagnose that there is a problem, and second, if there is a problem, get the help you need to overcome it.

Also, it's possible from charting that you notice a not as common triphasic pattern. This actually does not indicate a problem at all, and I don't want to get your hopes up but it could be a sign that you are pregnant. Each phase represents a temperature shift and the third shift could be a sign that the fertilized egg has implanted in your uterus. It is not a definitive "positive" however it is reason to run to the drugstore and pee on as many pregnancy sticks as you can find. Even though it might be a waste of money, what else have you got to lose?

Ovulation Kits

Now, you may find that charting your basal body temperature (bbt) is a little too scrupulous and takes the joy out of the whole "let's just see what happens" stance. That's okay, there are other methods you can use and signs that you can watch out for that will clue you in to what your body has been up to lately.

For example, you can always run out and purchase an ovulation kit at the drugstore. I've even seen them at the dollar store and if they are anywhere near as effective as the pregnancy tests at the dollar store, I would stock up on them if I were you! I never did use an ovulation kit, as I preferred to chart so I can't comment on the efficacy or the ease of use of them. I can say that if you are truly opposed to charting then this might be a viable option for you.

Cervical Characteristics

Another way to determine when you might be ovulating is to pay attention to your cervix. Yeah, that thing that no one gives any props to. I mean really, why does the uterus get all the credit!

I'm not sure if you know this, but the cervix changes constantly during a woman's monthly cycle. It is one of the first defenses and offense to prevent and encourage the sperm's journey. When the egg is present, the cervical mucous will enhance the sperms environment. When there is no egg, the mucous will do it's best to dissuade the sperm from traveling.

If you take a look at my chart from fertility friend, you will see that I mapped out what the characteristics of my cervical mucous was (CM means cervical mucous, fertility friend can give you a key as to help decipher it, but I recall that H was high, L was low, C is clear). If you are at or near your ovulation, then your hormones will cause your cervical fluid to resemble egg whites. Basically, this is just to say that you'll see a little bit of goo down there from time to time. Your body is not gross, or doing funny things. This is just a lesser-known secret that you are in or nearing your optimum fertility.

I personally did not have much luck interpreting my cervical mucous. From what I understand, not all cervical fluid looks the same in all individuals. Our bodies vary and what my CM looks like at peak fertility may actually not resemble egg whites at all.

Another way to determine your fertility is to take note of your cervical position and texture.

I'm going to let that one sink in a bit.

So yes, this entails you actually having to use your hands and fingers to feel your cervix to gather these details. The characteristics of a woman nearing ovulation are that her cervix will be soft to the touch, very high up in her body (sometimes unreachable), slightly open at the tip, and very wet.

Only by keeping a log of your typical daily changes can a woman usually differentiate between what is a normal cycle day and when ovulation is looming.

I myself did very well with determining whether my cervix was in a high or low position. As I mentioned, if the cervix is high, you might have some trouble reaching it. If it is low, you won't have a difficult time at all. I never perfected the art of being able to tell the difference between a soft or hard cervix, but I also did not do this test very often. There are a myriad of studies and testimonies as to this sign so I wouldn't count it out based on my opinion alone.

ABC's of Trying To Conceive: Facts and Anecdotes

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Citizen Men's JY0050-55L Eco-Drive Blue Angels Skyhawk AT Chronograph Titanium Watch

Citizen Men's JY0050-55L Eco-Drive Blue Angels Skyhawk AT Chronograph Titanium Watch Product Features * Ecologically friendly, light powered Eco-Drive Caliber U600 Japanese-quartz movement; charges in natural sunlight or indoor light * Max power reserve: 180 days to 30 Months with Power Save; low charge warning: 3 days; charge time from stop state to max charge: Incandescent Light - 150 hrs, Outdoors, Cloudy (10000 Lux) - 60 hrs, Outdoors, Sunny (100000 Lux) - 20 hrs * Durable, hardened non-reflective mineral crystal; multi-band atomic timekeeping with radio-controlled accuracy (North America, Europe, and Asia); world time in 43 cities; Greenwich Mean Time display; perpetual calendar * 1/100 second chronograph measures up to 24 hours; 99 minute countdown timer; rotating slide rule bezel; 2 Alarms; use of the Blue Angels name and logo is with the permission, but not endorsement, of the US Navy * Water-resistant to 660 feet (200 M) Product Description Product Description Environmentally friendly and chock full of innovative features, the Men's Blue Angels Skyhawk AT Chronograph Titanium Watch from Citizen Eco-Drive combines aviator-inspired style with a sleek, sporty design. Offering a maximum power reserve of 180 days, with a low charge warning within three days of stop point, this distinctive timepiece is both reliable and up for the next adventure. It also features a durable, hardened mineral crystal, original Blue Angels insignia on its case back, and Blue ...

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Jaeger-LeCoultre Atmos Clocks Watch Q5745101

!±8± Jaeger-LeCoultre Atmos Clocks Watch Q5745101

Brand : Jaeger-LeCoultre | Rate : | Price : $10,639.99
Post Date : Dec 20, 2011 15:54:54 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Jaeger-leCoultre, Atmos Mille, Clock, Astronomical Clock, Perpetual calendar, clock Desk, hours, minutes, month, year, moon phase, Silver Dial

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Jaeger-LeCoultre Atmos Clocks Watch Q5745101

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Panerai Created the Panerai Jupiterium For Galileo Exhibition

!±8± Panerai Created the Panerai Jupiterium For Galileo Exhibition

Officine Panerai sponsored and supported the Galileo Exhibition that celebrated the the 400th anniversary of Galileo´s first celestial discoveries earlier this month. Angelo Bonati, CEO of Officine Panerai, made a short speech before the the international press and announced the launch of the the Panerai Jupiterium, an unusual and exceptional mechanical instrument that offers a special Equation of Time.

The Jupiterium is not that Panerai style in terms of shape. It is composed of a glass with a glass sphere sits inside and a square wooden base that includes a dial. To meet the theme of the Galileo Exhibition, the glass sphere features constellation of the zodiac featuring superluminova coating. And the sphere is fitted with titanium arms to firmly hold the Earth and planets. The constellation of the zodiac can be clearly seen all the day round either at north hemisphere or south hemisphere.

When it comes to time display, The Jupiterium is actually very Panerai. The dial has our familiar hands and hour markers that together tell hours and minutes. And the small seconds counter at 9 also includes 24 hour display with two apertures indicating AM and PM. The mechanical instrument beating inside features 40-hour power reserve and a unique perpetual calendar that determines the exact date, day, month and year without any need for manual regulation, even in leap years.

The Panerai Jupiterium is exclusively limited to 3 pieces. Though Panerai Jupiterium is not something that we normally expect from Panerai, it does looks intricate and interesting.

Panerai Created the Panerai Jupiterium For Galileo Exhibition

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Citizen Men's BL8000-54L Eco-Drive Calibre 8700 Perpetual Calendar Watch

!±8±Citizen Men's BL8000-54L Eco-Drive Calibre 8700 Perpetual Calendar Watch

Brand : Citizen
Rate :
Price : $356.25
Post Date : Dec 10, 2011 03:34:19
Usually ships in 24 hours

The Citizen BL8000-54L stainless steel men's watch is loaded with style and time-keeping features. It's powered by Citizen's unique Eco-Drive, which absorbs sunlight as well as any artificial light through the crystal and dial to recharge the watch continuously. With regular exposure to light, the Eco-Drive recharges itself for a lifetime of use. The watch also has a perpetual calendar that automatically adjusts for odd and even months and leap years through 2100.

It has a blue dial background with three subdials for 24-hour, day, and month as well as date window at 4 o'clock. The silver stainless steel bracelet band is composed of small brushed links, and is joined by a fold-over clasp with double push button safety. Other features include water resistance to 330 feet (100 meters), an alarm, and a scratch-resistant, non-reflective mineral crystal.

Summary of Features:

  • Retrograde perpetual calendar
  • Alarm
  • Dual time
  • Non-reflective mineral crystal
  • Month-Day-Date functions
  • 12/24 hour time
  • Screw-back case

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Citizen Men's BL5180-57L Eco-Drive Perpetual Calendar Watch

!±8± Citizen Men's BL5180-57L Eco-Drive Perpetual Calendar Watch

Brand : Citizen | Rate : | Price : $299.00
Post Date : Dec 07, 2011 03:00:10 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • , light powered Eco-Drive Caliber E811 Japanese-quartz movement; charges in natural sunlight or indoor light
  • Max power reserve: 120 - 270 days with Power Save; low charge warning: 5 days; charge time from stop state to max charge: Incandescent Light - 43 hrs, Outdoors, Cloudy (10,000 Lux) - 12 hrs, Outdoors, Sunny (100,000 Lux) - 4 hrs
  • Perpetual calendar; chronograph feature
  • Brushed stainless steel case
  • Water-resistant to 330 feet (100 M)

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Citizen Men's BL5180-57L Eco-Drive Perpetual Calendar Watch

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Citizen AT0956-50E Mens Eco-Drive Black Dial

!±8± Citizen AT0956-50E Mens Eco-Drive Black Dial

Brand : Citizen | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Dec 02, 2011 12:39:05 | N/A


  • EAN: 4974374206152
  • Movement Quartz
  • Display Analog
  • Dial Color Black
  • Chronograph Chronograph

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Men's Seiko® Perpetual Calendar Watch

!±8±Men's Seiko® Perpetual Calendar Watch

Brand : Seiko
Rate :
Price : $194.97
Post Date : Nov 29, 2011 03:38:27
Usually ships in 6-10 business days

Seiko Perpetual Calendar Watch. Precision, taken to the next level. Both eye - catching and practical, the Perpetual Calendar Watch from Seiko might just become your favorite everyday accessory. This sturdy timepiece features complementary hands that sweep across a striking dark blue dial. Additionally, a perpetual calendar window at the 3 o'clock position adjusts automatically for calendar variations - such as Leap Year - meaning you never have to adjust the date yourself... until 2100, that is. The fine details: Reliable Japanese quartz movement; Two tone stainless steel case, bezel and bracelet; Dark blue face with gold markings and accents; Perpetual calendar at 3 o'clock; Durable Hardlex crystal protects dial from scratches; Water resistant to 330'; Sweep second hand; Case measures 40 mm (1 3/5").; Order yours today! Men's Seiko Perpetual Calendar Watch

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Friday, November 25, 2011

The Citizen Dive Watch - The Worlds Best Light Powered Diving Watches

!±8± The Citizen Dive Watch - The Worlds Best Light Powered Diving Watches

The Citizen dive watch is amongst the best regarded, established dive watch available today. Far be it from creating expensive diving watches that are unobtainable to the average scuba diver, a Citizen diving watch is both sturdy enough to resist the rigors of a seawater environment, yet affordable enough to serve as either a primary or back-up watch. This is possibly why the Citizen watchmaker has such a loyal following amongst not just scuba divers, but swimmers, water skiers, wake surfers, wind surfers, jet skiers, sailors and surfers.

Citizen was originally established under the name "Shokosha Watch Research Institute" back in 1918. The trading name "Citizen", arose from a pocket watch of the same title which was traded on the market in 1924. During the last 75 years, Citizen extended its business to eventually attain global recognition. The last twenty-five year period in particular, saw the company experience its most impressive growth, leading to the commanding position maintained today as one of the biggest watchmakers on the planet.

Citizen is best recognized for its "EcoDrive" solar system. Citizen "Eco" watches possess an environmentally friendly technology that captures ambient light sources to significantly increase watch's power level. Using solar panels, the Citizen watch can top up the battery even under fluorescent and other kinds of non-natural light sources.

Eco-Drive watches also contain a smart power saving mode that activates when the power generating mechanism stops gathering energy due to lack of light energy input. In this power saving state, the power save effects vary from model to model, the watch halts the second hand at the 12 o'clock point. If the watch is stored in darkness for any more than three days, the other hands as well as the calendar also cease to move to reduce battery drain entirely. In all power save states, the inner time is maintained, so that when more light is obtained by the dial, the watch will restart regular operation with the correct time.

In fact, when you purchase a new Citizen eco watch, you can anticipate that the watch battery will remain "topped up" by the natural light in your environment, meaning you may not ever be required to change the battery. On the other hand, Citizen do recommend a regular service which will assure your analog watch operates reliably over the long haul. It is also recommended that that gaskets (in watches that have them), be replaced every two or three years so as to preserve their water tolerant qualities.

There are a number of time-pieces within Citizen's "diver watch" range. The majority can tolerate water pressure equivalent to 200 m below sea level. Others like the Mens Diver Watch 1000 meter NH6931-06E Automatic Professional (priced at 00 plus) exceed these depths by a long shot, but for virtually all scuba dives, 200m is certainly adequate.

Citizen watches across the board are marked either as "Diver's 200M (air diver's 200m)" or "Water resistant 20 bar (200m))" - (or to the depth rating of the given watch). The difference between the two depth rating systems are that Diver's 200M (Air diver's 200m) are subjected to a series of severe water resistant trials prior to delivery from the factories, whereas WR200 (Water resistant 20 bar) watches are created for consumers who are often in contact with water in their daily lives. These watches are not upheld to the same standard tests as the Diver's 200M, so are not assured to stand up when subjected to the tougher conditions of scuba dives.

The most popular Citizen product series in the dive category are Promaster Carbon, Aqualand, Professional Diver and Perpetual Calendar. All modern day Citizen dive watches have the Citizen EcoDrive light powering system. A full coverage of each of Citizen's diving watch range can be found on our website.

The Citizen Dive Watch - The Worlds Best Light Powered Diving Watches

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How to Acquire a "Permanent" Habit

!±8± How to Acquire a "Permanent" Habit

Let's Begin With a Major Question

Have you ever managed to lose weight, quit smoking, save money or start an exercise program, and after a period of weeks, or even months of success, you suddenly realize your newfound habit was beginning to mysteriously dissolve, until one day you realize all your hard work had completely unraveled and you're right back where you started?

How did it happen? You put so much effort into your new habit. You loved the results. Why was it unsustainable?

On the other hand, how would you feel if you suddenly discovered that you could determine your habits, and thus your life, with complete control and with very little effort? No backsliding, no feats of willpower required.

You can you know... if you follow the proper formula.

Why Our Attempts at Change Often Fail

New Year's resolutions are a classic example. We decide it's time for a change and so we determine to either get rid of an old habit or acquire a new one. The second day of January is usually a better time to start than the first since many of us are nursing a hangover from the previous night's festivities. When that second, glorious day arrives, we're charged up and ready to go.

We begin at full throttle by putting our new vows into immediate action. We enroll in an exercise class, or we zealously begin to watch our food intake. We're so committed to our new vows of health that we'll go to almost any length to avoid missing a single moment of that first week of exercise class. Our new diet promises we can shed five pounds each week and so we diligently count calories and make lunches and dinners that strictly adhere to our new fare.

With focus, determination and resolve we manage to hang on to our new way of living. We begin to feel fitter, we see the weight coming off and our clothes are becoming gloriously baggy. "Oh this is so worth it!" we tell ourselves. "By this summer I'm going to look fantastic!"

In spite of the outward bluster, deep down inside we know we've been here before. We sense that all is not going as well as we pretend. Each week the diet gets a little harder, we start to miss an exercise class here and there. Then one day we find we're right back where we started.

Is It True If We Do Something For 21 to 28 Days In a Row it Will Become a New Habit?

Without having prepared a proper mental foundation the answer is a resounding NO!

It doesn't matter if you manage to sustain your new behavior for six weeks, or even six months, without the proper techniques you will have likely built your new "habit" on a house of cards. The hastily built foundation has been poured with the faulty mortar of willpower, determination and personal resolve. This mixture will last for a while, but when the inevitable storms of life blow in - and they will - the habits and goals that were impulsively assembled will quickly dissolve leaving us scratching our heads in wonder and frustration.

Is It Possible to Establish a Permanent Habit in Just One Month?

It's not only possible but it can be a relatively easy process if you go about it in the right way.

To either eliminate a bad habit or acquire a good habit always begins with a change in thinking.

We are what we think.

All that we are arises with our thoughts.

With our thoughts, we make the world.

~ Buddha ~

By this reasoning then, it becomes paramount that you acquire a working knowledge of how the mind works, and more specifically, how YOUR mind works. There is no "one-right" solution for each of us, but there is a "right formula" for success, and it all begins with an understanding of the self.

In order to understand one's "self," you need to develop an acute awareness of your present habits and your triggers that determine your response. Without this basic awareness, lasting change is all but impossible. With this awareness however, you can begin to assume control of your thoughts and by extension, your habits and behaviors.

The Upside-Down World Of Behavioral Change

You would be hard-pressed to find a magazine or self-help article that doesn't contain the "three," "five" or "ten" secret steps to acquiring your heart's desire. We're all familiar with the plethora of "secrets" of shedding ten pounds in ten days, or the seven steps to starting an exercise program etc., but a more important question to ask is; "How can I maintain my new desire and lifestyle?"

In fact, without the answer to this question, the "tips," "secrets" and "easy steps" to success are nothing but a disappointing dead-end resulting in continued frustration and an increasingly fragile self-image.

How is Success Defined?

If someone manages to lose thirty pounds in thirty days is that person successful? If someone begins and maintains an exercise program for thirty days is that person successful?

Not yet!

By our definition, within the context of behavioral change, a "successful habit" is the assimilation of a new behavior into a sustainable lifestyle.

The person with a successful new habit will usually find his behavioral change to be acquired without a large amount of mental effort or thought.

In his book Creating Health, Deepak Chopra writes: If we want to create health, starting this moment, then we have to start channeling the unconscious mind through habit. In my experience, any approach to new habits should follow these guidelines: the habit should be acquired effortlessly over a period of time, it should be guided by positive thoughts, and it should be consciously repeated, but always in a good frame of mind, never forced in as the enemy of a bad habit. Cultivated in this way, new habits condition the whole mind-body system to create health and happiness automatically.

What Are the Major Obstacles to Acquiring a Permanent Habit?

Lack of True Desire • Lack of Preparation • Lack of Patience • A Failure to Understand Your Inner Thoughts.

Just because the calendar is signaling a new year does not mean that your deepest desires are in line and ready for change. Although there's nothing particularly amiss about making a resolution at the beginning of a new year, it's always a mistake to assume that a new calendar is motive enough to sustain a lasting habit.

Suppose someone asks if you've put on a little weight, and the very next day you dive into a liquid only starvation diet.

Or someone comments that you smoke too much, so you decide that you're going to quit smoking the very next morning.

Or you suddenly realize that you've been neglecting your retirement savings so you immediately cut off all spending and begin hoarding.

Each of the above reactive attempts are highly susceptible to failure because they lack preparation, patience and the necessary understanding of one's present inner workings and thought process.

How Can I Learn to Acquire and Maintain My New Habit?

To master a new habit begins with self-understanding. We need to shine a light on the perpetual struggle between our intellect and our emotional triggers.

A deep desire for change is followed by observation and awareness of your present thoughts and behaviors. Without awareness you wouldn't know what to change. If you plan to lose weight, it's vitally important to understand the cause of your weight gain. At first blush one can readily conclude that the cause is the result of ingesting more calories than one is burning off. That's a valid observation on a purely logical level, and the "purely logical" solution is a drastic diet or strict exercise program - the harsher the "remedy," the quicker we can enjoy the results! Sound familiar?

In reality, if you are to acquire a sustainable habit you need to dig deeper into the inner workings of your mind. What is the root-cause of your overeating, smoking or frivolous spending? Is it triggered by fear, anger, guilt, anxiety, or perhaps just boredom? Behind each of our habits and behaviors lies a deeper reason. By taking the time to discover the cause of your behavior, before jumping into action, will go a long, long way toward building an unshakable foundation toward permanent change.

Once you have systematically broken down the mental, and often-emotional causes of your present habits and behaviors, you're ready to apply your new discoveries. This combination of desire, resolve, and the understanding of your inner workings have you ready to take slow, gentle steps that can be easily assimilated into your permanent lifestyle change.

With understanding, resolve, and a systematic process you are well on your way to acquiring a permanent new habit - but there's still more work to do. The last hurdle to clear is to determine the keys of sustainability.

Good habits, once established, are just as hard to break as are bad habits. ~ Robert Puller ~

How Do I Maintain My New Habit - Permanently?

There is no singular process that applies to us all, but in one or more of the following answers lays a solution(s) for all.

1. Studies have shown that people who enjoy continued success in acquiring a desirable new habit - whether that is weight loss, regular exercise, taking financial responsibility, quitting smoking etc. - have understood the formula. By the time you have systematically broken down the cause of your past behaviors, and developed a sensible and sustainable working plan for its attainment, you're ready for action.

2. With awareness and knowledge of your past behaviors, you begin to develop a belief that you can determine your fate. Psychologists call this belief in yourself "self-efficacy," which means you have the faith and knowledge of your ability to produce a desired result. It's important to note that people may have a high sense of self-efficacy in some areas (career, communication, friendships etc.), but may have a low sense of self-efficacy in other areas such as controlling eating habits or finances for example.

3. With a sense of self-efficacy comes an assumption of a positive outcome. For the very first time you are charting the path and you are taking control. In the case of losing weight you are not at the mindless dictates of a one-size-fits-all diet, or some other craze or fad, but instead you are following a plan specifically tailored for you and by you. Designing a customized personal course and taking direct responsibility for your actions is the fuel that powers the engines of lasting change.

4. You will understand that your past failures to change were not wasted efforts. Recalling past behaviors and the situations that tripped you up are invaluable lessons when it comes to sustaining your new lifestyle.

5. You will learn to forgive yourself. A slip does not mean that all is lost. if you slip you will simply pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue. That is one of the core ingredients in the mortar-mix of a strong foundation and a permanent habit.

6. You will have learned to pace yourself. You understand that if the changes you attempt are not sustainable, they are dead-end traps leading to certain failure. With your new knowledge and understanding of self, you are making changes that you can assimilate effortlessly and permanently.

7. You are no longer controlled by random thoughts or outside forces. The power to determine your actions and behavior has been restored to its rightful owner - you! You no longer look at the termination of an old unwanted habit as something you're "giving up" but you're focused on what you're getting - power, control, self-esteem, self-determination and the freedom you so richly deserve.

If you're committed to change, you'll find your new path to be an empowering experience. No longer are you slave to unwelcomed whims and outside influences. True freedom comes from self-determination and self-control - becoming master of your destiny.

When you're ruled by emotions you're subject to constant enslavement, and never is a person less free than when he is enslaved by emotion. If you're not happy with your present situation you can acquire a permanent new habit of your choosing.

With the right procedure you'll find your new habit to be both surprisingly easy and infinitely liberating.

How to Acquire a "Permanent" Habit

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Citizen Watches and Their Unique History

!±8± Citizen Watches and Their Unique History

For some ninety years or so, Citizen has led the way with their classic and innovative timepieces. Citizen watches simply stand for high quality and precision as well as affordability for ordinary people. But beyond that, the Citizen Watch Company has always set their goals to stay ahead of the curve with their groundbreaking technologies and their worldwide recognized brand.

Founded in 1918, the name Citizen was born from the founder's idea that no matter which country or where someone came from, it would resonate in the heart of all men and women. From there, the company name of Citizen Watch Company was formed and their revolutionary and technologically advanced Citizen watches began the triumphant journey we have seen for almost a century.

Speaking of technology, beyond expanding worldwide and positioning itself as the largest watch manufacturer in the world every year for the past 25 years, Citizens is the king of "firsts" in the watchmaking industry. Citizens first ever pocket watch was created and sold in 1924. A Japanese Citizen manufacturer developed the first shock resistant watch in 1956. And in 1959, Japan's first water-resistant watch was born.

Citizen also created the thinnest LCD watch the world had seen, the first voice recognition watch, and the first professional diving watch which even had and electronic sensor to gauge water depth. And then Citizen went green on the world. The Eco-Drive Citizen watch collection leads the world with "ecologically responsible" timepieces which are simply powered by light. They are literally continuously recharged by both artificial light and natural sunlight, so you never need to replace the custom lithium-ion battery. Innovation is their business and their history.

The Signature Collection of Eco-Drive Citizen watches are comprised of many different models for both men and women. There are 5 different models of the Grand Complication watches, 9 models of the Flyback Chronograph and also 9 models of the Perpetual Calendar collection, all of which are watches for men. As far as watches for women, the Octavia Diamond Series has 4 models and the Quattro Diamond Series is represented well with 9 different models. None of the Octavia Diamond Series watches are water-resistant, but all the rest of the Signature Collection is water-resistant up to 100 meters, with the exception of 5 of the Perpetual Calendar models, which resist water in depths up to 300 meters.

And what is so amazing, being the largest watchmaker in the world for the past quarter century is now only approximately 40 percent of Citizens overall business worldwide. Clocks and jewelry are not a stretch for most people to believe, but they also dabble in health care products and frames for eyeglasses. How is that for diversity? I believe they will do just fine with any endeavor they choose.

Citizen Watches and Their Unique History

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